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  • Rabbi Benny

Jewish Israeli Identity Course (J.I.I.C)

The first of eight sessions investigating our Jewish and Israeli Identity was an incredible success. Over 30 teens came in person and another 8 joined via zoom to hear our first guest speaker, Pearl Gasner, High School Advisor for Hasbara Fellowships who spoke about Jewish Indegineity to the Land of Israel.

Afterwards we discussed what our true Identity is, from our personal Identity, to the Identity of our Nation, Am Yisrael. The more we understand who we truly are, our unchanging and everlasting identity, our Neshama, the more confident we can be as Jews living in Canada and have a positive influence on the world around us!

We are looking forward to our next speaker, Hussein Aboubakr, author of the novel and documentary "Minority of One" together with STANDWITHUS Canada.

ONE Nation

ONE Land


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